Before we answer this question, let us welcome you to our web site. The Florida Mobile Home Relocation Corporation was established under Florida Statute 723 to provide assistance to residents of mobile home parks who receive eviction notices due to change in land use for either relocating their mobile home or abandoning it.
We are pleased to provide you with online information explaining what the FMHRC is, give you the capability to download and print all the forms required by the Corporation for applying for relocation or abandonment compensation assistance, and also give you an arena in which to e-mail questions or comments you may have relating to the corporation or the process for filing your forms.
400 Capital Circle SE, Suite 18155 Tallahassee, FL 32301 Number: (888) 320-0322 Fax Number: (727) 754-4996
The regular public meeting will be held on Friday, Jan 10th, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. via-Zoom or Telephone. To attend the meeting by telephone toll-free, please call (888) 475-4499 US or (855) 703-8985 Canada and enter meeting ID 429 115 1196 and pass code 412913 when prompted. To join by Zoom Meeting: Click Here All materials must be received by Monday, Dec 30th, 2024 in order to be reviewed at the regular meeting.
Click the link below for all forms required by the FMHRC to process a claim. All forms are in Adobe Acrobat PDF